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Laura Tea 2017.jpg

I like to tell people I've been writing since before I could even read, and it's true. I began writing down stories once I had a grasp on how to write the alphabet, using my parents as human dictionaries to spell out each word. It's a comfort to decide what you want to be so early in life. Continuing with that plan, I earned my B.A. in Creative Writing from Carlow University in 2007. Since graduating, I've taken on administrative jobs to pay the bills while I pursue my starving artist career as a writer. 


Because most of my college education was spent learning how to write poetry, that is what I initially focused on in terms of getting published. My poetry has been published in Rune Magazine, Voices from the Garage, Falling Star Magazine, Blast Furnace Press, The Lavender Review, James Dickey and Torrid. One professor, however, encouraged me to develop one of my short stories into a novel. In between job hunting after graduation, I started writing my first novel, The Stable House.


When I couldn't find a traditional publisher for the book, I turned to self-publishing which was a struggle to learn, and I still don't have the hang of it. Two more books followed: Saving Hascal's Horrors and The Castle Park Kids. All three are middle grade novels aimed at kids ages 8-11 years old. Each has received modest sales and several positive reviews from readers and reviewers. In 2017, I started to work on my first series and have a finished manuscript for the first book in the series, The Secret Superpowers of Molly Bright.  I am currently working on the second book in the series which is untitled at present.


In between writing and marketing my books, I also try to sharpen my writing skills in other departments. In 2017, I took two online grant writing classes with the hope of one day being able to put my writing skills to use for worthy causes. I also signed up as a volunteer editor at LitPick, a website that posts reviews from kid readers. I now review books for them as well.


In 2018, I took on an internship with List25, an entertainment website which posts blogs and videos featuring top 25 lists. I have also blogged for several websites over the past 12 years. My current site is called HubPages, where I have been writing articles since 2014. Topics range from movie and book reviews to recipes and art projects to interviews with fellow indie authors, some of which you will find here.


In my free time, I like to read, draw, watch movies, paint, shop, spend time with my family, and exercise. In 2017, I installed a Little Free LIbrary in my yard where passersby can take and leave books to read, including my own. In 2019, I started Laura's Books and Blogs where I post essays, book reviews, and guest posts from fellow writers. I also guest post for other blogs and websites and have been moderately successful with it so far. Who knows? Through these sites, I might be able to find the writing career that I have been trying for. 


Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn using the links below! You can find a full list of my social media pages and websites in the "Contact Me" section. Thanks for visiting!




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